Let’s go exploring.

Sometimes you have to get lost to find yourself.


Going through an awakening can feel like you are falling down a rabbit hole. At times, it is a challenging and discomforting space to be in and other times you find yourself in a wonderland and the things you never thought possible can be revealed to you.

If you’ve landed here, you are brave and you are contributing to raising the consciousness of the Earth by committing to knowing yourself in this lifetime.

Please reach out to me if you have questions about anything in this portal or want to take a topic even further if it has sparked an interest in you.

Trust in your inner knowing. Get yourself a journal and begin to document realisations, insights, patterns, wounds, beliefs and things you notice about yourself. Identifying and acknowledging all parts of ourselves is part of this process to radical self-acceptance, self-love and self-discovery.

Member benefits

Guided Meditations

This collection of guided meditations are yours to immerse yourself in. Download and access at anytime.


Content that you can work through at your own pace that covers various topics and will continue to be added to. Start with learning the art of Mindfulness and Self Care or, if you have a bit more time, delve deep into the signature Get Lit class.

Yoga Practices

Written guides to help you practice yoga at your own pace, at home.

Discovery Worksheets

Uncovering your multidimensional self takes some work. Make your way through these light-hearted worksheets to spark some enquiry. These worksheets are based around yogic principles and concepts eg. Dharma (purpose) and Doshas (unique constitution). and will certainly spark further exploration and curiosity.

Words of Widsom

“Tune into subtle energies by practicing in silence and embracing slow living. The less stimulation you have, the more sensitive you become to your inner voice and can listen to the wisdom of your body and soul.”

— Lauren Maree

“Whenever you feel less than or not enough and you need some perspective, remember that we’re all space and matter. We’re a collision of combusted stars from light years ago. It’s a miracle the you even exist and that there will only ever be one of you. Take up space.

— Lauren Maree

Journey through these meditations to awaken your inner knowing, power and purpose.

Each one has been carefully created to open up space and support you in your learning about your self. Be held.

Find yourself in a quiet space. Grab a pen and paper, in case you’d like to record any insights, and begin.

You can come back to these practices at any time and download them to listen offline.

Guided Meditations

For when you’re seeking to remember the truth of who you are and your connection to the divine.

For when you’re needing to accept yourself and your experiences as they are; to make peace and move forward.

For when you’re needing a quick, reliable and effective meditation practice to go-to daily (especially relevant when you don’t think you have time to meditate).

For the days when anxiety or overwhelm seeps in and you need to find your breath and connect to your centre.

For when you’re traversing your internal landscape, just to see what you’ll find.

For when you’re searching to see the good in things and tap into your heart space.


One of the biggest propellers to growth and ascension is connecting with a like-minded tribe. If you are wanting to connect and share what you’re going through, reach out to me. The most powerful realisations and embodiments can come from being witnessed and having someone to hold space and or relate to. Even though it may feel like it sometimes - you are not completely alone. There are others who are walking this path and who want to find you. Ask to join the Your Path To Awakening facebook group.